Job Opportunities
Staff Opening
Virginia Mennonite Conference is seeking an Office Administrator with gifts in administration and communication who aligns with the vision and mission of VMC, which "equips pastors, lay leaders, and congregants for worship and service, to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to neighbors near and far."
Administrative responsibilities include data management, multimedia communications, record-keeping, tracking finances, and planning details for conference assemblies.
This is a three-quarter time (.75 FTE) position starting as soon as candidate is available. Benefits include paid time off, health insurance, and retirement.
For a more detailed description, please click HERE. Interested candidates are invited to send a resume and cover letter to the Conference Ministry Team at [email protected].
Congregational Openings
The following congregations in Virginia Mennonite Conference have pastoral openings.
Potomac District
Daniels Run Peace Church is a Mennonite, diverse, inclusive, intergenerational and growing community of 40 members in the Washington DC suburb of Fairfax, VA. We are looking for a new pastor who will give leadership in carrying out our vision to live and grow as Anabaptist disciples of Jesus in an urban setting--showing hospitality, caring for creation, practicing peace, and working for justice. The position would begin in September 2025 and could be 1/2 to 3/4 time, depending on availability and interest. For more information, please contact [email protected].
Central District
Christiansburg Mennonite Church is seeking a lead pastor (0.5-0.75 FTE with possibility of full-time). Contact James Akerson, District Minister, [email protected].
Southern District
Waynesboro Mennonite Church, located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, is seeking a full-time pastor to revitalize our community and cast a new vision for a gospel presence that would reach our neighbors. We are a warm and inviting fellowship with deep roots in the Anabaptist faith. WMC is also considering a team ministry model of 3-4 leaders sharing 1 full-time position. Persons with gifts or interests in the areas of worship, pastoral care, discipleship, and community outreach are welcome to submit a resume and statement of vision. Individuals who apply must be willing to affirm the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective as the teaching position of the congregation. We especially welcome applications from seminary students and those involved in mission. Please contact Kevin Gasser, District Minister, at [email protected] for more information.
Springdale Mennonite Church is seeking a lead pastor (3/4 time). We invite applications from women and men with a heart for rural ministry. Springdale's Congregational Information Form is available upon request. Please contact Kevin Gasser, District Minister, at [email protected] for more information.
Tennessee/Carolina/Kentucky District
Durham Mennonite Church, Durham, NC, seeks a quarter-time pastor. Please send inquiries to Cheryl Van Horn, search committee chairperson, at [email protected].