ICYMI: Ministry of Inner Healing Webinar
Ministry of Inner Healing Ministry of Inner Healing Webinar took place on May 28, 2024, utilizing previously recorded material. Roy Hange, Juan Carlos and Wendy, and Paula Stoltzfus share their personal experience and their perspective as ministers. One additional speaker, who requested not to be included in the public video, is referenced by others. Hosted…
iCLT News: Isaiah, Talk to me
Isaiah, Talk to me The Holy Spirit urged me to pray with the prophet Isaiah during Lent. It wasn’t the first time the Spirit nudged me to meditate with Isaiah. It happened 20 years ago when I was in Ethiopia. My ears were more fine-tuned to listen within that culture so foreign to me. I…
Holding all things
We began our all day Faith & Life Commission meeting last week with some rich sharing prompted by Ervin Stutzman question what “Bible character inspires us to live faithfully for God”. Our sharing reflected some of the wealth of faithful people in scripture. For the past number of years I have looked to Jacob’s wrestling…
iCLT News: Will this boat float?
I like sailboats. I own a small sailboat. I was watching a video featuring a fairly prominent New England boat building rummaging through a boat yard commenting on derelict and abandoned sailboats. To me they looked like lost causes. And at least one of them was. However, for most of them his comment was, “We…
iCLT News: Why Worship Together?
Why Worship Together? In the last two and a half years while I’ve worked for Virginia Mennonite Conference (VMC), one of the consistent highlights has been visiting, and worshiping with, our various congregations. There is something holy and moving about coming together and worshiping Jesus; as Jesus said, wherever two or three are gathered in…
iCLT News: Change is Imminent
Change is Imminent Today is a new day. I started my journey with Virginia Mennonite Conference (VMC) in August of 2020, moving across the country and across borders to make Harrisonburg our new place to call home. My husband, Chad, accepted a new position at Ridgeway Mennonite. I did not have a job lined up,…
iCLT News: Transformation Versus Business As Usual
Transformation Versus Business As Usual. In Luke 6:46, Jesus asks, “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’ and do not do what I say?“ It’s a common phenomenon even noticed by nonbelievers: Many Christians profess allegiance to Christ but fail to apply his teachings to their lives. We may ask for salvation but resist transformation,…
iCLT News: The Still Point of the Churning World
The Still Point of the Churning World What is the reason your church exists? What is the surrounding neighborhood or community like? Who are the people who live and work around you? What do they fear and long for? The seven weeks from Easter to Pentecost is an opportune time to sharpen mission awareness and…
Hope in the Midst of Crisis
Bishop Leslie Francisco, III, district minister for Calvary District in Virginia Mennonite Conference. This message was prepared for the 2024 Winter Delegate Assembly at Waynesboro Mennonite Church on February 3, 2024. As I reflected on this gathering today and state of our conference the thought that kept coming to the forefront of my mind was…Hope…
Counselors Mobilized to Counter Military Recruitment of Young Adults
Volunteer Donate GI Rights Hotline (877) 447-4487 POTC volunteer counselor training. (Left to right, top row) Titus Peachey, Max Lewis, Brad Boyd-Kennedy, (middle row) Fred Suter, Rick Yoder, Lorraine Stutzman-Amstutz, Melissa Atchinson, (bottom row) Tim Godshall, Randall Koehler, Scott Roser (Counselors not pictured) Ruth Keidel Clemens, Eldon Epp. Photo by Camille Dager, Mennonite Church USA….
iCLT News: Pilgrims on a Journey
Pilgrims on a Journey We are at the beginning of a new year and through the first seasons of the church calendar. With what expectations, dreams and worries do you enter and journey into this year? I have been drawn into the journey of the Magi at the beginning of this year. Wondering and pondering…