Winter Delegate Session to feature Conrad Kanagy

January 23, 2015
by VMC Staff

Conference delegates are invited to Winter Delegate Session on February 7 at Waynesboro Mennonite Church, Waynesboro, Va.

Conrad L. Kanagy will facilitate a presentation and discussion on data from the national pastoral survey of Mennonite Church USA, as well as the Virginia Conference pastoral survey. He will examine this data and analyze it with an eye towards the questions: “How do we move from here?” and “What is our outcome?”

Kanagy is Professor of Sociology at Elizabethtown College, Pa., where he has taught since 1993. From 2000-2005 he was lead pastor of Elizabethtown Mennonite Church and since October 2011 has again been serving in that role. Conrad was born in Covington, Kentucky, and grew up in Belleville, Pa. His undergraduate degree is from Wheaton College in Illinois and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees are from Penn State University. From 2005-2007, he was director of the Mennonite Member Profile of Mennonite Church USA and authored Road Signs for the Journey (Herald Press) as a result of that project. In 2008, he conducted a study of Mennonite church planters in the U.S. and in 2010 the Global South profile described in Winds of the Spirit. Conrad and his wife Heidi live in Elizabethtown, Pa. They are parents of one adult son.

Registration begins at 8:15 a.m.; the meeting begins at 9:00. A minimum offering of $10 is requested to cover lunch and miscellaneous expenses for the event. Contact Anieta McCracken to
confirm your attendance by email or by phone at (540) 434-9727.