Making disciples through Life Transformation Groups
by VMC Staff
Workshop will explore ways to create a discipling culture in congregations
Are you interested in exploring a deep, reproducible yet simple way of making disciples within the congregation?
Are you tired of talking about becoming missional and are eager to gain traction in the disciple-making task?
Join us on Saturday, January 31 (8 a.m. to 1 p.m.) at Park View Mennonite Church’s Fellowship Hall. This workshop is for Virginia Mennonite Conference congregational leaders who are interested in developing a discipling culture within their congregations.
Participants will also learn about the opportunity to join the Missional Discipleship Initiative, launched by Mennonite Mission Network and experience tools to grow disciples and leaders whose passion for the gospel is contagious.
Jesus’ last word to his followers was the Great Commission, where he commanded them to “make disciples.” Not buildings. Not programs. Disciples. People who look and act like Jesus.
As Mennonites, we have long seen discipleship has as one of the distinctive features of the Anabaptist tradition. Harold Bender once described it as “the essence of Christianity.”
So how are we doing at practicing the art of becoming like Jesus? Are we making disciples? Are those disciples, in turn, making other disciples? If not, how can we recover this lost art? Those are the questions we will explore in this workshop as we look at key discipleship concepts from the life of Jesus and a practical tool for being and making disciples today.
Skip Tobin and Marvin Lorenzana are the resource people for this event, sponsored by Virginia Mennonite Missions and Mennonite Mission Network.
Lunch is included in the registration cost of $10. RSVP by emailing Sarah Showalter or call (540) 434-9727.