Potomac District Council meets at Washington Community Fellowship
by VMC Staff
Potomac District Council met on January 10 at Washington Community Fellowship. Sixteen people gathered, including Potomac District Council Church pastors and delegates. After welcoming remarks and introduction, District Minister Luke Schrock-Hurst led devotional session. He shared Menno Simons’ message, “True Evangelical Faith Lie Dormant” in 1539. The message emphasized serving the poor neighbors: “It clothes the naked it feeds the hungry it comforts the sorrowful it shelters the destitute it serves those that harm it binds up that which is wounded has become all things to all people.
Aaron Kauffman, President of Virginia Mennonite Missions, shared the global and local mission of VMMissions. He said, “VMM provides many opportunities to work together with Potomac District Council local churches.”
Photo: Sang Choi
Potomac District Council Meeting passed an agenda of supporting the District Minister with a stipend, travel and ministry expenses. Pastor Sang Jin Choi, chair of the council meeting said, “The District Minister plays an important role at the Potomac District Council because he acts as a mediator or a connector between the Conference, VMMissions and the local churches, especially the local ethnic-group churches that have affiliations with those agencies.
After the meeting, council members had fellowship lunch with Korean traditional food sponsored by Fourth Street Community Fellowship. Before touring Washington Community Fellowship (WCF)’s newly renovated building, pastor Del shared his brief annual pastoral reflections of 2014. The tour was led by Miriam Mumaw, treasurer of Potomac District Council and member of WCF.
Potomac District Council Meeting will have regular quarterly meetings in 2015.