iCLT News: Why Worship Together?
by Caleb Schrock-Hurst
Church Relations and Racial Justice Minister

Why Worship Together?
In the last two and a half years while I've worked for Virginia Mennonite Conference (VMC), one of the consistent highlights has been visiting, and worshiping with, our various congregations.
There is something holy and moving about coming together and worshiping Jesus; as Jesus said, wherever two or three are gathered in his name, he is there as well.
These days, it seems nearly everyone I encounter is tired, worn out, or run down -- and for good reason. It's an election year, creating stress and fear; two large global wars bring more horrifying news to our ears each day, weighing on our minds and souls; and we continue walking in divided communities and families, often unsure of what faithfulness to the way of Jesus means in our days.
It's not in spite of these hard questions that I follow Jesus -- it's because of them. As Jesus promises to us in Matthew 11: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
Part of coming to Jesus is coming together in worship -- where we are filled with God's peace, love, and energy; in worship, we come to Jesus to be restored and renewed.
I'm looking forward to traveling down to VMC's Tennessee, Carolina, and Kentucky District renewal worship service in Hickory, North Carolina, next month on April 20 to gather for worship with our sisters and brothers there. We'll be carpooling from Harrisonburg -- sign up to join the trip here.
The renewal services I've been to so far have been joyful and powerful, connecting me both to God and community -- I'm very excited to attend another. I'm also glad to make the trip down to worship with TCK folks, as they faithfully and frequently make the trek from North Carolina to the Valley; it's good to share the burden and joy of travel with our siblings when we get the chance.
May you seek -- and find -- the rest Jesus offers this week, month, and year.
Peace of Christ,