November Resignations at VMC
by VMC Leadership Team
We are saddened to report two resignations in recent weeks, as Virginia Mennonite Conference (VMC) continues striving to chart a healthy path forward in the midst of many challenges. On Friday, November 15, June Miller resigned as Conference Director of Administration and Communication, effective immediately, in a letter to Conference Council (CC) and Faith and Life Commission (FLC), in which she cited concerns about her working relationship and interactions with Moderator Jim Hershberger. On November 25, Jim submitted his resignation as VMC Moderator, citing recent events and other responsibilities. VMC leadership groups (Conference Ministry Team, CC, and FLC) have each been discerning how to adapt to the sudden vacancy of these leadership roles.
The work of VMC continues, as the Conference Ministry Team (Maren Hange, Carlos Malvaez, and Phil Kniss) works closely with Administrative Assistant Sarah Layman to help connect and support congregations and pastors, in collaboration with VMC leadership groups like Conference Council and Faith and Life Commission. Thank you for your prayers and continued support.
–Steve Pardini (Conference Council interim chair), Ervin Stutzman (Faith and Life Commission chair), and Maren Hange (leader of Conference Ministry Team)