The Hills Break Forth in Singing
May 4, 2024
// 6:30 pm

Now Added!
Tide Spring & Shekinah
An evening of Christian and Mennonite Music will be held at Lindale Mennonite Church's new Outdoor Amphitheater. Music features members of the Walking Roots Band, Cantore, Joel Ross from "Good Company", Lightning Lucas and the Thunderstorm Warnings, and more.
Bring a lawn chair or blanket
Admission is free. Offering will be received to support the ministry of Virginia Mennonite Conference.

Walking Roots Band


Joel Ross from Good Company

Tide Spring

Event location: Lindale Mennonite Church: Outdoor Ampitheater
Event address: 6255 Jesse Bennett Way, Linville, VA 22834 [Google maps]
Event address: 6255 Jesse Bennett Way, Linville, VA 22834 [Google maps]