Mennonite Women of Virginia
We are so excited to host our annual Fall Retreat again this year at the Marriott in Short Pump, November 8-10th! This retreat offers time away from the business of life, spiritually growth with the Lord and fellowship with other sisters. This year, LaShonda Russell will be presenting on Embracing God's Story: A Journey of Faith, Trust, and Renewal. The EARLY registration fee this year is $155 before 8/5/2024 and $165 after that date. Registration can be completed online or through the mail (via the information on the brochure). Room reservations are made separately, over the phone, with the Marriott. Mention MWV to have the rate discount applied. The brochure attached provides more information and details about this weekend and it's events. Invite all your sisters!
Mennonite Women of Virginia
Estamos muy emocionadas por tener nuestro retiro anual otra vez en el Marriott en Short Pump este año, del 8 al 10 de Noviembre! Este retiro nos da la oportunidad de dejar los muchos quehaceres para conectar espiritualmente y disfrutar tiempo con otras hermanas en Cristo. Este año, LaShonda Russell estará presentando sobre el tema “Abrazando la Historia de Dios: Una Jornada de Fe, Confianza y Renovación”. La registración TEMPRANA será $155 antes del 5 de Agosto, 2024. Después de esa fecha subirá a $165. Puedes registrar en línea o por carta (usando la información en el folleto). El folleto sujetado a este correo provee más información y detalles sobre los eventos de ese fin de semana. Invite a todas las hermanas que conoces!
Mujeres Menonitas de Virginia
Annual Prayer Breakfast
Please join Mennonite Women of Virginia on Saturday, July 20, before a day of conference assembly events, for a Prayer Breakfast Saturday morning at Ridgeway Mennonite Church. Breakfast will be served at 6:45am, followed by stories of how God is at work in Bethany Tobin’s ministry and a time of prayer. Please register for this event when registering for the conference or via this link. The cost is $12. Please add any dietary restrictions to your response. No childcare will be provided. Questions? Please email us at [email protected]
Picnic on the Pavillion
Mennonite Women of Virginia eagerly invites you to a picnic event on June 15th designed to celebrate the unity created by God's spirit within the cultural diversity of God's family. Together we will worship, receive a message from God's word, hear testimonies, pray and enjoy a potluck! This event will be held in the Pavillion at Harrisonburg Mennonite Church from 10am-12pm. Child-care will be provided. Please RSVP by June 1st to [email protected]
Annual Missions Day
Mennonite Women of Virginia invite you to a day of supporting missionary women, locally and globally, on Annual Missions Day, April 13th at 8:30am through lunchtime at Lyndside Mennonite Church. Rose Yutzy serving with VMMissions, will be the speaker.
The dates are set for Mennonite Women of Virginia's Fall Retreat, Nov 8-10, 2024! Mark your calendars! This is a wonderful weekend of worship, fellowship, and encountering God, hosted at the Marriott in Short Pump, Va.
Check out the Mennonite Women of Virginia blog! It's a place for women to share their stories and connect with one another across the conference. If you have interest in writing for the blog as a regular contributor or even as a guest on occasion email us at [email protected].
Stay up-to-date on Mennonite Women of Virginia's Facebook page.
Mennonite Women of Virginia
Empowered Women Creatively Building Christ-centered Relationships through Fellowship, Leadership, Mission and Service.
President: Sylvia Yoder, 47 Stonewall Lane, Grottoes, VA, 24441; 540-480-0094; [email protected]
Vice President: Deb Pardini, 2776 Greenway C, Harrisonburg, VA 22802; 540-256-2358; [email protected]
Secretary: Position currently vacant
Treasurer: Position currently vacant
Hispanic Liaison: Hannah Shultz; 540-820-1148; [email protected]
Missions Secretary: Lydia Martin, 12345 N Valley Pike Broadway, VA 22815; 570-234-4538; [email protected]
Publicity Secretary: Joy Kiser; 540-830-0229; [email protected]