Bible Quizzing season will focus on Exodus
by VMC Staff
What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, “Let my people go!”
If you immediately thought of Charlton Heston, long hair and bearded, you are not alone. He played Moses in the Hollywood movie telling the story from the book of Exodus. Many powerful images come from this book of the Bible: the waters of the Red Sea rolling back as a strong wind steadily blew, the burning bush, and the pillar of cloud and pillar of fire leading the Israelites in the wilderness.
This winter, youth from Virginia Mennonite Conference will study Exodus as they participate in Bible Quizzing, which runs from January through March.
Each Sunday a different team will host the quiz meet, and by the end of the season the quizzers are anticipating the tournament with teams from Ohio and Pennsylvania. The tournament will be hosted by the ACC quiz league in Lancaster, Pa., the weekend of March 21-23.
A former quizzer, and tournament winner, I coordinate the youth Bible Quizzing league in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. As a former quizzer, I enjoyed studying Exodus. The stories were easier to remember than some of the other texts, and certainly no less important. Many of these stories have given insight and perspective for my life since that time, and are helpful as I read other parts of the Bible that refer back to the people and events in Exodus.
I’m anticipating another exciting season of quizzing this coming year, with youth from many different congregations having fun, competing and learning to know each other and God’s Word better.
For more information, you can visit the quizzing website.