Pastoral leaders invited to second Consultation event
by VMC Staff
The second in a series of Pastoral Leadership Consultations is being planned by the Leadership Enrichment Committee of VMC’s Faith and Life Commission.
The topic of discussion at this consultation will be on the meaning of baptism and membership in the church. Lead pastors, overseers, and credentialed leaders who are currently serving in pastoral roles in VMC congregations are invited to attend. Take this opportunity to give and receive counsel as ministers facing the challenges of our day.
The Consultation will be Friday, May 2, at Powhatan Mennonite Church, from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Lunch will be provided; a $7 suggested donation will be collected to offset the cost of the meal provided by the congregation.
Please RSVP to [email protected] by noon on Monday, April 28, to indicate your intent to participate. (If you are not planning to attend, no RSVP is necessary.)