iCLT News by Maren Tyedmers Hange
by June Miller
My title is Minister of Formation and Soul Care. This is a new role, and a portion of my initial work is discovering what that might look like for the conference. In the midst of the chaos of our days, I think of the prayer Paul prays in Ephesians…”to strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being….that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”
I am passionate about how we deepen our relationship with the One who gives us breath, whose Spirit has from the beginning hovered over the chaos making all things new. How do we listen to the stirrings of the Holy Spirit? How do we become aware of the patterns of God unfolding? How do we ask with Jesus, “What do you want me to do for you?
Some of my responsibilities are shared with Duane Beck:
- Congregational Formation or Soulcare
- Pastors/District minister resourcing
- Congregational Life Committee
- Leadership Enrichment Committee
In the beginning this involves much listening, to Cluster leaders, Leadership Enrichment Committee, Youth leaders, pastors. I am also wondering what other conferences are doing or what has been done at the denominational level in faith formation. Recently, I came across the phrase “spiritual audit” that describes maybe best what this beginning work looks like.
There are other aspects of my role that seem a little more defined:
- Support for youth ministry/ Youth council shared with Caleb
- Participate in the VMC Care Supporter Review
- Serve on the liaison team in the Gilliam Consulting Process
- Continue in Racial Justice Work
- Faith & Life Commission
How can you pray for the work of the conference at this time?
- Our leadership team meets every Thursday morning at 9 am.
- The liaison team listening circle takes place November 28 at 10 am
- The work of Gilliam & Associates, leading listening circles Dec 3-9