VMC only exists to serve the congregations. How do we live more fully into this identity?
iCLT Recommendations
Conference Council Recommendations
The Gilliam Report and Liaison Team Recommendations
On February 4 at the 2023 Winter Delegate Assembly, Gilliam & Associates presented their report, which is available on our website virginiaconference.org. We now have decisions to make, to decide what next steps will help us become healthier as a body—and how, in this new season, we might more wholeheartedly minister healing and hope in our desperately needy world.
The VMC-based Liaison Team* served as an advisory group to Gilliam & Associates, helping to shape the information gathering phase of their work. The attached document is the Liaison Team’s recommendations to the interim Conference Leadership Team (iCLT) and Conference Council for ways to move forward. These recommendations mark the end of the Liaison Team’s work. The iCLT has received the document and are planning a one-day retreat on February 24 for a concentrated time of discernment. Conference Council has also received the recommendations and will review the recommendations in their upcoming monthly meetings.
VMC leadership acknowledges the widespread mistrust across the conference. Outside consultants, Gilliam & Associates, were engaged to help provide an overall perspective, reflecting many voices from across the conference. From December 2-10, 22 listening circles were held across the 8 districts and included 173 participants. In addition, VMC members participated in a survey and in one-on-one conversations for a total of over 218 participants.
The VMC-based Liaison Team was largely chosen from nominations provided by VMC delegates. The team included 14 mature leaders from across the conference who have an ear, heart and voice for the good of the conference. The team includes: Andrew Fairfield, Caleb Schrock-Hurst, Chuck Hostetter, Clair Good, David Brubaker, Howard Miller, Jim Hershberger (as link to Hispanic leaders), June Miller, Leslie Francisco, Maren Hange, MaryBeth Moore, Matthew Bucher, Sara Wenger Shenk, Vivian Stevens-Lyons.
February 13, 2023
June Miller