Virginia Mennonite Conference equips pastors, lay leaders, and congregants for worship and service, and to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to neighbors near and far.
Statements and resolutions
Mission and Vision: Virginia Mennonite Conference equips pastors, lay leaders, and congregants to support worship, mission, and service for Jesus Christ and to bring Good News to the world in which we live. The Spirit of God enables Virginia Mennonite Conference to empower communities of faith to follow the way of Jesus Christ.
Constitution & Bylaws (updated 2014)
Denominational Resolutions:
Membership Guidelines
FAQs regarding the two resolutions on polity and practice
Conference Council documents:
Sustainability task force report
Embracing Faithfulness, Discerning Our Differences
VMC Delegates discussion of MC USA Healthcare Access Project
Congregational Life Commission documents:
Memory Garden Development & Policy
Faith & Life Commission documents:
Virginia Mennonite Conference is participating in Mennonite Church USA discernment processes with multiple issues facing the church including human sexuality. Find a list of current resources here.
Prior statements on human sexuality include:
Columbus (2009)
Mennonite Church USA Membership Guidelines (2001)
Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective (1995) Article 19. Family, Singleness and Marriage
Purdue (1987)
Saskatoon (1986)
Human Sexuality in the Life of the Church (1985)
Statement on the Death Penalty by Virginia Council of Churches (signed by Conference leaders and pastors)