Volunteer at 2023 VMC Summer Delegate Assembly
June 14, 2023
by June Miller
Director of Administration and Communication
by June Miller
Director of Administration and Communication
We need your help!
Volunteer opportunities at the 2023 VMC Summer Delegate Assembly are needed. A variety of shift options and positions are available. The event begins Thursday, July 13 and ends on the 15th at Park View Mennonite Church (PVMC) with the Pastors and Credentialed Leaders Appreciation Dinner at Shady Oak. Questions can be directed to [email protected].
¡Necesitamos tu ayuda! Se necesitan oportunidades de voluntariado en la Asamblea de Delegados de Verano de VMC 2023. Una variedad de opciones de turnos y posiciones están disponibles. El evento comienza el jueves 13 de julio y termina el 15 en la Iglesia Menonita Park View (PVMC) con la Cena de Agradecimiento a Pastores y Líderes Acreditados en Shady Oak. Las preguntas pueden dirigirse a [email protected].
- Livestream tech
- Kitchen help (meal is catered)
- Registration
- Usher
- Elevator monitors
- Vendor/agency setup
- PVMC Fellowship Hall set up
- Shady Oak/Weavers set up