Conference responds to DSA report (UPDATES)
by VMC Staff
NEWS RELEASE (February 10, 2017)
The officers of Faith and Life Commission (FLC) of Virginia Mennonite Conference (VMC) are immediately suspending the credentials of Duane Yoder pending the completion of a formal Ministerial Credentials review process.
FLC acted on Executive Conference Minister Clyde Kratz’s recommendation. The action to suspend Duane Yoder’s credentials was based on information from the DSA report, findings from Aldine Musser, Northern District Minister and a complaint issued locally against Duane Yoder. More recently, Barbra Graber, a leader in the Anabaptist Mennonite Chapter of SNAP (Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests), has passed on additional documentation.
The DSA report to MC USA also recommended that VMC, in consultation with FaithTrust Institute, immediately begin a Ministerial Credential Review process as soon as members of these groups can be assembled. We are collaborating with FaithTrust Institute to initiate the review process as recommended by MC USA; however, in the meantime, the FLC officers felt it is imperative to move ahead with the suspension.
The results of this review will be reported at a later date.
NEWS RELEASE (January 19, 2017)
Virginia Mennonite Conference has received the D. Stafford & Associates report. We acknowledge the pain experienced by those involved, and we apologize for instances where we missed opportunities to provide more support through this process.
It is our immediate intention to develop a leadership strategy for each of the recommendations to Virginia Mennonite Conference. The Executive Conference Minister, Clyde Kratz, will provide a written statement of our plan to Terry Shue, Denominational Minister, upon approval of the plan by VMC Conference Council. We intend to utilize Faith Trust as a consultant in developing the plan, implementing it and providing progress reports.
Regarding the recommendations that involve Lindale Mennonite Church, we shall engage the leadership body of the congregation to together develop a leadership plan to address these recommendations. We will work proactively and diligently to respond to these recommendations in a timely manner, as we demonstrate accountability to Mennonite Church USA.
Clyde G. Kratz
Executive Conference Minister
Virginia Mennonite Conference
Related Documents:
Final D. Stafford & Associates report to Mennonite Church USA
Note: We will provide periodic updates as the recommendations presented are implemented.