Open Enrollment for The Corinthian Plan is Nov. 1 to Dec. 31
by VMC staff
The Corinthian Plan has Open Enrollment From November 1 to December 31, 2021.
Congregations participating with the Corinthian Plan through Virginia Mennonite Conference recently received their 2022 renewal packets in the mail.
If your church participates, but has NOT received your packet, please contact Duncan Smith, Director, at (316) 400-9937 | [email protected] or James Miller, East Coast Advocate, at (941) 400-9937 | [email protected] as soon as possible.
If your congregation does not currently participate, but you would like to learn more, please contact Duncan Smith or James Miller.
The Corinthian Plan helps congregations provide health care access and benefit services to staff. The goal of The Corinthian Plan is to provide health care access for as large a group of pastors and church workers in Mennonite Church USA as possible. The name emerges from verses in 2 Corinthians 8 and 9 where the newly emerging church in Corinth is encouraged to practice sharing with each other.
For an overview of The Corinthian Plan benefits, and structure click for English or for Spanish.