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Virginia Mennonite Conference equips pastors, lay leaders, and congregants for worship and service, and to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to neighbors near and far.


Called to Equip

Photo by Scott Pruett on Unsplash


God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow as communities of grace, joy and peace, so that God’s healing and hope flow through us to the world.


Virginia Mennonite Conference equips pastors, lay leaders, and congregants for worship and service, and to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to neighbors near and far.

Upcoming Events

Pray for VMC Tuesdays: Join us as we are praying for the congregations, pastors, leaders, and the endorsed ministries of Virginia Mennonite Conference. The prayer meeting will held every Tuesday at Ridgeway Mennonite Church from 6:00 to 7:00 pm.

Winter Delegate Assembly is COMING! February 1st, 2025 at First Mennonite Church of Richmond. More details to follow!

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Ministry Partners

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