
Journey Forward and MC USA Sexual Abuse Panel results reported to Constituency Leadership Council

The Constituency Leadership Council, together with Executive Board of MC USA, met at Dock Mennonite Academy in Lansdale, Pa., April 12-14. A highlight for me was worship time each morning, and in particular, worship with Dock Mennonite Academy students during their chapel service. These students, leaders of the future for many denominations, shared ways God…

Clyde G. Kratz

Kratz updates Conference Council on MC USA issues and conversations

Executive Conference Minister Clyde G. Kratz updated Conference Council members on his recent activities at their May 26 meeting. He attended a meeting with other Conference Ministers from across Mennonite Church USA to talk about “how we are going to function in the future and what are some of our basic assumptions.” “In this context,…

Elroy Miller

Renewing our commitment to follow Jesus

The work of Virginia Mennonite Conference’s Restructuring For Mission (RFM) committee is underway. The goal is to enhance VMC’s capacity to equip leaders in our Conference and churches “for worship and service and to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to our neighbors” (VMC’s mission statement). The Restructuring For Mission committee met six times…

Glen Guyton

Journey Forward brings new beginnings

Virginia Mennonite Conference is where it all began for me in 1993. At least it is where my journey began in the Mennonite church. I am appreciative to the men and women of this great conference who welcomed me and introduced me to the Anabaptist faith. Now it is my turn to give back to…

NT Wright

N.T. Wright to give a series of presentations this fall on “Discerning the Dawn”


Delegates weigh in on proposed structural changes and release two congregations

Congregational delegates of Virginia Mennonite Conference gathered for Winter Delegate Session at Waynesboro Mennonite Church, where they heard from the chair of the Polity Task Force, provided feedback in table groups and open microphone, and were introduced to the Restructure for Mission Committee, the group that is working on implementing the Polity Task Force’s recommendations….

VMC logo

New VMC mission statement affirmed

During the Winter Delegate Session in February 2018, delegates affirmed VMC’s new mission statement: “Virginia Mennonite Conference equips pastors, lay leaders, and congregants for worship and service, and to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to neighbors near and far.” The vision statement is the same as Mennonite Church USA’s, and was affirmed at…


VMC welcomes new bookkeeper

Virginia Mennonite Conference is delighted to welcome Pramila Robinson as its quarter-time bookkeeper. She begins April 5, 2018.

Gordon Zook

Editorial: Connecting the dots

In the Fall 2017 issue of Pathways, Executive Conference Minister Clyde G. Kratz made the case for sabbaticals for pastors, including his particular three-month sabbatical at the end of the year. During these months, I have accepted the assignment to fill in for him on a part-time basis, to connect some of the dots which…


Walking with USA Ministries: Letting ourselves be built, by being instead of doing

If we can become something by doing something, can we become more by doing more? When I first returned to Harrisonburg after years of missionary service in Southeast Asia, I experienced a time of disorientation, like many people returning from a longer time of service. Faults in my foundation became exposed when I left my…

Elroy Miller

Reconfiguring the Conference structure

Early on in my social work career, I was introduced to the notion of self-care and rest. Growing up as I did on a dairy farm, I was mostly indifferent to its meaning. Getting up early to do farm chores—whether I was tired or not—was not optional. We (my dad, my brothers and I) just…

Phil Kniss with two of his grandchildren

Finding the Sabbath in sabbatical

For many years I’ve been blessed to serve in congregations that give priority to offering sabbaticals to its pastors. Yes, Mennonite Church USA congregations get a not-so-subtle nudge from the denomination. A recommended sabbatical policy is written into pastoral support guidelines. Congregations may choose whether to follow the guidelines, and not all do. Even in…