
Disciples are companions

When I arrive at the Intensive Care Unit, the ICU, the doctor tells me that Cameron is unresponsive and that he would die soon, very soon, perhaps that night. I stare, through the sliding-glass door, at him, lying on a bed with tubes and wires connecting his body to machines and translucent bags of fluids—morphine…


How we’ve learned to make disciples at Eastside Church

In March, we celebrated five years of ministry. I marvel at what has happened. As I look back here is what I think we got right. 1. Major in plagiarism I often joke about the church planting courses I avoided like the plague in seminary. I had no plans to be a church planter! Whoops!…


Potomac District Council meets at Washington Community Fellowship

Potomac District Council met on January 10 at Washington Community Fellowship. Sixteen people gathered, including Potomac District Council Church pastors and delegates. After welcoming remarks and introduction, District Minister Luke Schrock-Hurst led devotional session. He shared Menno Simons’ message, “True Evangelical Faith Lie Dormant” in 1539. The message emphasized serving the poor neighbors: “It clothes…

Jon Trotter

Kanagy examines VMC data at Winter Delegate Session

As Virginia Mennonite Conference works among the debates affecting Mennonite Church USA (and many other denominations) over same-gender relationships in the church, one of the unexpected themes to emerge from Winter Delegate Session on February 7 was hopefulness. It may not be easy to see a path forward when 50% of credentialed persons responding to…

Clyde G. Kratz

Renewing our Connections

For the past 25 years, Virginia Mennonite Conference (VMC) and Virginia Mennonite Missions (VMMissions) have shared the publication, Connections. In this editorial, Clyde Kratz, VMC Executive Conference Minister, and Aaron Kauffman, VMMissions President, discuss the challenges and the dreams that have emerged about this communication tool. Clyde: I value the joint effort by VMC and…

Dave and Shana Boshart

Pastoral Leadership Consultation will explore “God’s Gift of Sexuality” with David and Shana Boshart

Pastors and credentialed leaders in Virginia Mennonite Conference are invited to the fourth Pastoral Leadership Consultation on May 15 at Mountain View Mennonite Church, Hickory, N.C. David and Shana Boshart will present from their research, writings and experiences on “God’s Gift of Sexuality.” David has been a Mennonite pastor for over 28 years. In 2010,…

Conrad Kanagy

Winter Delegate Session to feature Conrad Kanagy

Conference delegates are invited to Winter Delegate Session on February 7 at Waynesboro Mennonite Church, Waynesboro, Va. Conrad L. Kanagy will facilitate a presentation and discussion on data from the national pastoral survey of Mennonite Church USA, as well as the Virginia Conference pastoral survey. He will examine this data and analyze it with an…

Skip Tobin

Making disciples through Life Transformation Groups

Workshop will explore ways to create a discipling culture in congregations Are you interested in exploring a deep, reproducible yet simple way of making disciples within the congregation? Are you tired of talking about becoming missional and are eager to gain traction in the disciple-making task? Join us on Saturday, January 31 (8 a.m. to…


Conference to host retreats for youth workers and pastors

Virginia Mennonite Conference is hosting two upcoming retreats, both at Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center. If you are a youth minister or sponsor, we encourage you to consider attending “The Changing Face of Youth Ministry,” with Rachel S. Gerber. If you are a credentialed minister in a VMC congregation or constituency, we invite you to “Learning…

Clyde G. Kratz

In the beginning!

The biblical account of creation opens with the proclamation “In the beginning God….” (Genesis 1:1). The affirmation that God was present in the beginning, engaged in purposeful creation, bringing order out of chaos, is not lost on biblical commentators 1. When Jesus teaches his disciples and subsequently all disciples how to pray, “Your will be…


Church at the water’s edge

In summer, our Outlet 10.27 gatherings move from our house to our backyard. Summertime means food, fellowship and pool time. It makes for a great gateway for families to come get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition to summer fun-time, we use this time to lead a discussion with the kids…


Bridging community, making connections

In August, a young woman described a difficult housing situation to Jaime Miller Gonzalez, our Case Manager. She and her husband moved their belongings into a double wide trailer with the intent of living there the next day. Unfortunately, a fire burned the majority of the trailer on the night of the move. The young…