
Neil Cole

Organic Church Planters’ Greenhouse

An excellent opportunity to continue to learn and grow as followers of Jesus is coming up soon. On October 19-21, Virginia Mennonite Missions and Mennonite Hispanic Initiative (MHI) will host an “Organic Church Planters’ Greenhouse” intensive training with Neil Cole from Church Multiplication Resources (CMAR), held at Harrisonburg Mennonite Church. A Greenhouse is a three-day…

Dann and Joji Pantoja

Visit to showcase Mindanao peacebuilding

Harrisonburg has the rare opportunity to host MCC Canada Witness workers, Dann and Joji Pantoja, from October 2 to Oct 6. There will be a special event at Grace Mennonite Church, 7:00 pm, on Wednesday, October 3, to hear them share about their work with Peacebuilders Community in the conflicted region of Mindanao, Philippines. As…


Jasmine Harris mentors girls through MCC service term

Jasmine Harris, a sophomore business major at Eastern Mennonite University, returned to her home congregation of Calvary Community Church (Hampton, Va.) this summer through Mennonite Central Committee’s Summer Service Worker program. Under the guidance of Denise Gibson, she helped with the overall summer program, working specifically with “God’s Rubies,” a club of girls in grades…


Election Day Communion seeks to unify a diverse church

Every day is filled with choices, some of which have a greater impact on our lives than others. Every day we must choose what to wear and what to eat. Every day we must choose whether or not to follow Jesus. On November 6th, citizens of the United States will be invited to make another…


Community VBS at Stephens City engages area church relationships

This summer, nine churches in the Stephens City area built relationships by participating in a vibrant Community Vacation Bible School. Pastor James Musser explored the idea of working together as smaller faith communities with a few local pastors. The interest grew and we ended up with people committed from a total of 9 churches in…


Oasis of Hope awarded ‘Peace Mug’ by VMC Peace Committee

On July 27, Spencer Bradford, Virginia Mennonite Conference Peace Committee co-chair, addressed the delegate session at the VMC assembly in Chesapeake, Va., for the annual presentation of the VMC ‘Peace Mug.’ Spencer described Oasis of Hope, the organization that is honored with the mug. Oasis of Hope is a community of people in Newport News,…

Owen Burkholder

After all these years…

On July 9, 1972, at the age of 22, in the seventh month of my marriage with Ruth Ann Augsburger, I was ordained to the ministry in Bluesky, Alberta, Canada. Yes, that is now 40 years! (That would be three children, 2.75 grandchildren, 3 congregational ministry assignments, “x” number of conference and churchwide service assignments,…


“Close Encounters of the God Kind” at Middle School Retreat

Middle school youth in grades 6-8 and adult sponsors are invited from all Conference churches to the Virginia Mennonite Conference Middle School Retreat, September 22–23, 2012, at Smith Mountain Lake. Join us for a weekend of worship, faith stories, energetic activities, and friendship building! The retreat is held at the W.E. Skelton 4-H Educational Conference…


Organic church planters’ Greenhouse event coming to Harrisonburg

An excellent opportunity to continue to learn and grow as followers of Jesus is coming up soon. On October 19-21, Virginia Mennonite Missions and Mennonite Hispanic Initiative (MHI) will host an “Organic Church Planters’ Greenhouse” intensive training with Neil Cole from Church Multiplication Resources (CMAR), held at Harrisonburg Mennonite Church. A Greenhouse is a three-day…


“Sister Care” retreat is coming to Virginia

Sisters seeking spiritual renewal and a fun getaway will get both at “We are God’s Beloved Daughters,” the Mennonite Women of Virginia Fall Retreat Sept. 21-23 at Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center in Lynchburg, Va. Guest speakers Carolyn Heggen and Rhoda Keener will present “Sister Care: Equipping Women for Caring Ministry.” Early registration deadline is…


FMC ‘cyber Sunday school’ connects with mission workers abroad

For the month of May, the youth of First Mennonite Church of Richmond participated in a cyber Sunday school class, in which the Internet served as a classroom resource and as a global window to visit Mennonite missionaries and young people, worldwide. The first Sunday we familiarized ourselves with use of the Internet in the…


Judith R. Trumbo appointed Chair of FLC

Judith R. Trumbo has been appointed as Chair of the Faith & Life Commission, beginning Sept. 1, 2012. A member of Harrisonburg Mennonite Church, she was formerly chair of the Church Council. Judith has also served in various leadership capacities for Rockingham Memorial Hospital, Harrisonburg, Va., currently Director of Perioperative Services and Organizational Excellence. She…