Posts Tagged ‘mission’
FMC ‘cyber Sunday school’ connects with mission workers abroad
For the month of May, the youth of First Mennonite Church of Richmond participated in a cyber Sunday school class, in which the Internet served as a classroom resource and as a global window to visit Mennonite missionaries and young people, worldwide. The first Sunday we familiarized ourselves with use of the Internet in the…
Read MoreWith Pedal Power, cyclists of all ages gear up to support community development, missions
A year ago, Calvin and Eve Bixler were the youngest riders in the annual Bike Shenandoah. The siblings, six and two-years-old, respectively, completed the five-mile ride with their parents, Sarah and Ben, whose bikes were outfitted to bring the little ones along. “We really enjoy biking,” Sarah, who attends Eastside Church, said recently. “It’s good…
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