iCLT News Abiding in the Vine

Abiding in the Vine According to John 15:4-5 in the Common English Bible (CEB), it is emphasized that remaining in Christ and having Christ remain in us is essential. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own but must stay connected to the vine, we too cannot bear fruit unless we remain in…

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Four Webinars planned for VMC assembly prep

VMC is expanding its pre-assembly offerings to delegates so that we can all come to assembly better informed and ready to discern together. Delegate Orientation and Overview of VMC Polity and Structure Session for new delegates, and for returning delegates who had questions about VMC’s organizational structure, history, and the role of delegates. Monday, June…

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Workshops and Community Worship Service

Virginia Mennonite Conference (VMC) extends invitation. The 2023 VMC Summer Delegate Assembly will be held at Park View Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg. Guest are welcome to attend all events. Please register for Thursday, July 13 workshops. Descriptions, times, and locations are below. Plan to attend the Friday, July 14 Worship Service at Park View Mennonite…

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Volunteer at 2023 VMC Summer Delegate Assembly

We need your help! Volunteer opportunities at the 2023 VMC Summer Delegate Assembly are needed. A variety of shift options and positions are available. The event begins Thursday, July 13 and ends on the 15th at Park View Mennonite Church (PVMC) with the Pastors and Credentialed Leaders Appreciation Dinner at Shady Oak. Questions can be…

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iCLT News I Wonder . . . the Emmaus Road

I Wonder . . the Emmaus Road “Stay with us. And Jesus stayed with them…” Luke 24:29 With these words we left the Emmaus Road story that framed the Winter Delegate Assembly. We took with us the broken pieces in the form of clay shards. I wonder how Jesus has stayed with you in the…

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iCLT News – Psalms 20

Psalms 20 It was a busy month for me, and I was particularly blessed to celebrate my marriage with friends from far and near! Less important, but still significant, was a celebration of my graduation from seminary (I finished my coursework in the fall but was glad to participate in some celebrations with my class…

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iCLT News Jesus, be the center

Jesus, be the center. Recently I was creating treasure maps with the youth. If Jesus is the treasure, or center, what has helped you find the treasure? What people or places, scriptures or songs have led you toward Jesus? What paths have you taken? What deserts and bogs have you encountered? Who has journeyed with…

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Confused Old Farmer in Confusing Times

Confused Old Farmer in Confusing Times I have often pondered this mysterious thing my 94-year-old father-in-law did three months before he died.  In the last few years of his life, little made sense: Alzheimer’s.  Conversation with him was nigh unto impossible. He never even mentioned his beloved horses—stories that he had repeated often over the…

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