Posts Tagged ‘assembly’
Delegates Approve Nominees for Leadership Positions at Summer Conference Assembly
Sara Wenger Shenk CONFERENCE MODERATOR-ELECT “I would love for the conference to be known for our open-hearted hospitality, trustworthy communication and non-anxious, courageous faith,” Sara Wenger Shenk writes. She is currently retired after serving in theological education as teacher and administrator, most recently as president of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Indiana, 2010-2019 and earlier…
Read MoreView photos from Conference Assembly
Photos from Thursday evening worship: VMMissions Centennial Celebration Photos from Friday evening worship: “Cultivating Good Soil” through Mennonite Disaster Service Photos from Friday and Saturday Delegate Sessions
Read MoreAcross boundaries and divisions, being “Neighbors: Strangers No More”
I bind my soul this day to the neighbor far away, to the stranger near at hand in this town and in this land. (Verse 2 of I Bind My Heart This Tide) In a landscape of walls and fences, of separation and alienation because others may look, sound, and act different from us, delegates…
Read More“Neighbors: Strangers No More” at Conference Assembly
Register for Conference Assembly by July 3.
Read More“It didn’t feel like a gathering of older people…”
Reflections on Conference Assembly, July 25-27, 2013 at Eastern Mennonite School, Harrisonburg, Va. That second-hand quote from a younger adult who attended VMC Assembly as a first-time delegate indicates that indeed, participation in God’s kingdom is timeless. The speakers, workshop leaders, and testifiers engaged us with the wonder that God has been, is, and will…
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