Anabaptist Renewal Circles hosts national gathering in Pennsylvania

A national gathering of MC USA pastors, agency representatives and interested church members took place at the Weaverland Mennonite Church in Lancaster County, Pa. July 10-12. About 160 registered for the event with 15 in attendance from Virginia Mennonite Conference. Participants came from many states and other parts of the church. “For me, in a…

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Mennonite Hispanic Initiative: developing leaders with IBA

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if immigrant church leaders had a place to gather and grow together in understanding how to live into the good news in their new Virginia contexts? This is what actually happens through Mennonite Hispanic Initiative’s Instituto Biblico Anabautista (IBA) study center. IBA’s purpose is to promote theological-biblical training of Spanish-speaking leaders…

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Conference Endorsed Ministries: MDS and CrossRoads Heritage Center

MDS continues rebuilding homes and lives after Sandy On October 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy made landfall in New Jersey. The effects of this superstorm are still being felt by many persons along the East Coast and in the Appalachian mountains. Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) of Virginia has been extensively involved with rebuilding homes and the…

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Leaders explore theme of baptism and memberships at second Pastoral Leaders Consultation event in Powhatan

Clyde G. Kratz

Powhatan Mennonite Church was the location of the second Pastoral Leaders Consultation held on Friday, May 2. Tim Kennel, pastor of the congregation, hosted the event along with the assistance of the hospitality committee that provided refreshments, abundance of food for the noon meal, and generous friendships. A worship team from the congregation provided a…

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Assembly will explore Making Disciples As We Go!

Shirley Yoder Brubaker

What will you enjoy most when attending VMC’s annual Assembly this July in Charlottesville? The robust singing in the evening worship service? Animated discussions around your delegate table? A new idea for your congregation garnered from a workshop? Sitting around the supper table with friends you rarely get to see? Or, perhaps, just basking in…

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Pastoral leaders invited to second Consultation event

Pastoral Consultation

The second in a series of Pastoral Leadership Consultations is being planned by the Leadership Enrichment Committee of VMC’s Faith and Life Commission. The topic of discussion at this consultation will be on the meaning of baptism and membership in the church. Lead pastors, overseers, and credentialed leaders who are currently serving in pastoral roles…

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Historians preserve and promote Valley Mennonite stories

Jim Hershberger

The Shenandoah Valley Mennonite Historians (SVMH) is a group of persons interested in preserving and promoting the stories of the Mennonites of the Shenandoah Valley. This is our twenty-second year and we are looking forward to some great projects in the next years. We are working with the Historical Committee of Virginia Mennonite Conference to…

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Northern Virginia Mennonite Church installs new pastor

Earl Zimmerman

Northern Virginia Mennonite Church in Fairfax, Va., pulled out all the stops as it installed Earl Zimmerman as pastor on November 10, 2013. Bishop Luke Schrock-Hurst, of the Potomac District, officiated in the installation. The three other congregations that worship in their church building participated in the service. The Iglesia Menonite Hispana Vida Nueva congregation…

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Mission impulses and unity

Clyde G. Kratz

The Jerusalem Council described in Acts 15 is the second key leadership text for my work as Executive Conference Minister. This story highlights the activity of the leaders of the faith community discerning appropriate responses to the tension between “circumstances and conviction.” (1) The circumstance in the text is the awareness that Gentiles are coming…

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Winter Delegate Session: listening, reflecting, praying

On a warm, sunny February day, 150 persons gathered at Lindale Mennonite Church for what was billed as the Virginia Mennonite Conference Winter Delegate Session but emerged as worshipful work. The strong turn-out (134 delegates, 17 non-delegates) on a beautiful Saturday was indicative of interest in the agenda topics as well as hearing from Ervin…

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