Walk, don’t run, to your nearest Relief Sale

“I’m walkin’, yes, indeed, I’m talkin’, ‘bout you and me . . .” -Fats Domino Harvey Yoder of Harrisonburg probably doesn’t have this 1957 Fats Domino song ricocheting down the cobwebbed corridors of his mind while out on his daily constitutional, but there’s a determined look on his face to keep time with his pace.…

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The Importance of Our Collective Well-Being

Pastors and Leaders Update Philippians 2:1-13 If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, 2 make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 3 Do nothing from selfish ambition…

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Top ten reasons for Sharing Our Surplus at the Relief Sale

VA Relief Sale

The Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale’s Sharing Our Surplus (SOS) Campaign was launched two years ago to solicit cash donations for Mennonite Central Committee in addition to money raised through auction, food and other sales. So far the effort has raised over $75,000, and has been designated specifically to meet the growing needs of refugees around…

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Mennonite Junior High Retreat is October 11-12

Join Junior High groups from area Mennonite churches for two days of worship and fun, October 11-12, 2019! Experience great games and camp activities, enjoy time with friends, and more. Carmen Miller of Harrisonburg Mennonite Church will be the speaker, and a group of high school youth will be leading worship times. See the Junior…

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Support the VMC Partnership Home Project for the Walker family

Credit: Video shot and edited by Terry Burkhalter and shown at Virginia Mennonite Conference Assembly, July 19, 2019.   Virginia Mennonite Conference is working with Mennonite Disaster Service to build a house for the Walker family of West Virginia, whose home was destroyed in a 2016 flood. With your help, the Walker family (Daniel, Darla,…

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View photos from Conference Assembly

Photos from Thursday evening worship: VMMissions Centennial Celebration   Photos from Friday evening worship: “Cultivating Good Soil” through Mennonite Disaster Service   Photos from Friday and Saturday Delegate Sessions

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Watch video of MDS Partnership Home Project at Assembly

Credit: Video shot and edited by Terry Burkhalter and shown at Virginia Mennonite Conference Assembly, July 19, 2019. VMC member congregations are invited to donate toward the Partnership Home Project. This project is $70,000, however, FEMA has already provided $30,000. VMC congregations are being invited to hold a special offering to raise $40,000. Please consider…

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Pastors and leaders to focus on loving neighbors in tense times

Maren Tyedmers Hange

ELKHART, Indiana (Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary) — How can church leaders and congregations respond to hate, intolerance and systemic racism in their communities in productive and transformative ways? What does the gospel of Jesus Christ call Christ-followers to do in situations like these? Participants in Pastors and Leaders 2019 — an annual leadership conference formerly…

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Delegates weigh in on proposed structural changes and release two congregations

Congregational delegates of Virginia Mennonite Conference gathered for Winter Delegate Session at Waynesboro Mennonite Church, where they heard from the chair of the Polity Task Force, provided feedback in table groups and open microphone, and were introduced to the Restructure for Mission Committee, the group that is working on implementing the Polity Task Force’s recommendations.…

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