Conference to host retreats for youth workers and pastors

Virginia Mennonite Conference is hosting two upcoming retreats, both at Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center. If you are a youth minister or sponsor, we encourage you to consider attending “The Changing Face of Youth Ministry,” with Rachel S. Gerber. If you are a credentialed minister in a VMC congregation or constituency, we invite you to “Learning…

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In the beginning!

Clyde G. Kratz

The biblical account of creation opens with the proclamation “In the beginning God….” (Genesis 1:1). The affirmation that God was present in the beginning, engaged in purposeful creation, bringing order out of chaos, is not lost on biblical commentators 1. When Jesus teaches his disciples and subsequently all disciples how to pray, “Your will be…

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Church at the water’s edge

In summer, our Outlet 10.27 gatherings move from our house to our backyard. Summertime means food, fellowship and pool time. It makes for a great gateway for families to come get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition to summer fun-time, we use this time to lead a discussion with the kids…

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Bridging community, making connections

In August, a young woman described a difficult housing situation to Jaime Miller Gonzalez, our Case Manager. She and her husband moved their belongings into a double wide trailer with the intent of living there the next day. Unfortunately, a fire burned the majority of the trailer on the night of the move. The young…

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Third Conference Pastors’ Leadership Consultation

Pastors and credentialed leaders from throughout Virginia Mennonite Conference gathered on Friday, November 14, for the third Pastors’ Leadership Consultation. This consultation was entitled, “The Role of the Bible in the 21st Century,” discussing Scripture’s authority and the wide spectrum of biblical interpretation in an effort to understand varying points of view. Weavers Mennonite Church,…

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Giving opportunity

Equipping and nurturing the leaders of congregations is at the heart of Virginia Mennonite Conference’s work. We seek to grow towards the way of Christ not only in our personal life, but in our community connections that seek to represent significant impulses to be the body of Christ at work in the world. A charitable…

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Middle School Retreat: Timeless stories of God’s transforming power and grace

[dropcap]The[/dropcap] weather was nearly perfect when middle school students, youth workers, and youth pastors from Virginia Mennonite Conference gathered at the Smith Mountain Lake 4-H Retreat Center in Wirtz, Va., on September 20 and 21 for the conference’s annual Middle School Retreat. With full sunshine and temperatures in the upper 50s, both the youth and…

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A great cloud of witnesses

Clyde G. Kratz

The writer of Hebrews states, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who…

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Leaders needed!

Clyde G. Kratz

As part of the Listen and Learn Initiative, whereby I sought to visit with each lead pastor in Virginia Mennonite Conference, I had a startling discovery: two-thirds of the 60 lead pastors whose birth date is on record in my office will turn 70 in the next 15 years. Broken down in five year increments,…

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