iCLT News – Duane Beck

Duane Beck

from Duane Beck Consultant to Pastors on Leadership and Local Ministry The interim Conference Leadership Team seeks to help congregations, pastors, and leaders thrive. We are in an experimental leadership phase.  Your feedback, questions, and suggestions are welcome to help shape our work. I carry the role of Consultant for Pastoral Leadership and Local Congregational Mission.…

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iCLT News – inaugural issue

Craig Maven

from Craig Maven Minister of Administration and Church Relations This is the inaugural entry of what the interim Conference Leadership Team hopes is a twice monthly communication. Our goal is to communicate what the iCLT is discussing, doing, and experiencing. The team members are: Bishop Leslie Francesco, June Miller, Maren Hange, Duane Beck, Caleb Schrock-Hurst,…

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VMC Leaders Respond to Call for Guidance

Compass laying on newspaper

Dear Virginia Mennonite Conference pastors, leaders and delegates, Grace, joy and peace to you this beautiful fall day, from our loving God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the animating, sustaining Holy Spirit. Conference leaders from the Faith & Life Commission (FLC), Conference Council (CC) and the interim Conference Leadership team (iCLT) met together on September…

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