Basil Marin, Pastor of New Song Anabaptist Fellowship, Dies at 62

Pastor Anastacio Basil Marin, 62, of Harrisonburg, passed away Sunday, June 26, 2022, at Sentara RMH Medical Center. He was born April 15, 1960, in Dangriga, Belize and was a son of Andrew Marin and Doris Ovado. Basil received his B.A. at Goshen College and his Masters of Divinity at EMU. He was the lead…

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Pastoral Sabbatical Brings Out Lynside Congregation’s Ministry Gifts

Gordon Miller

Back in 1954, a Mennonite church was founded in Lyndhurst, Virginia. Lynside Mennonite Church has grown, struggled, and remained faithful to God ever since its beginning. They have dealt with similar issues as other churches. Some they overcame, some they struggled with, but none of them were enough to close the church. One issue they…

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St. Augustine: The Bellies Of The Poor Are Safer Storehouses Than Our Barns

In light of an ever more desperate refugee crisis, what does it mean to love God with everything we have and to love our world neighbors as we love and look after ourselves? Each year multiple donors make cash, check and credit card contributions for refugee relief at the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale‘s “Sharing Our…

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A Pastoral Reflection on the MC USA Special Delegate Session

Sara Wenger Shenk

In light of the recent votes at the Special Delegate Session of Mennonite Church USA, I’m writing with a pastoral word as I imagine the strong mix of emotions some of you may have on receiving news about the delegate assembly—the retiring of the membership guidelines, affirmation by a little over half of the delegates…

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Conference Council Unanimously Approves Interim Conference Ministry Team

Interim Leadership Team

Virginia Mennonite Conference Council unanimously approved an interim conference ministry team at its monthly meeting on May 19—with enlarged roles for current staff members June Miller and Caleb Schrock-Hurst, along with four new team members at varying percentages of full-time equivalent (FTE). Conference Council’s approval entails appointment for two years, to be reviewed in one…

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Delegates to Represent VMC at Mennonite Church USA Special Session

Six delegates will represent Virginia Mennonite Conference at the Special Delegate Session of Mennonite Church USA, May 27-30, 2022. Marian Buckwalter, former Pastor, Crossroads Mennonite Church, Timberville, VA Andrew Cheung, Pastor, Washington Community Fellowship, Washington, DC Andrew Fairfield, Pastor, Christiansburg Mennonite Church, Christiansburg, VA MaryBeth Heatwole Moore, Member, Faith & Life Commission and the Leadership…

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Guiding the Vulnerable: The VMC Chaplain’s Cluster

“Call the Chaplain!” Those words may strike fear into the person who hears them said. “You mean it’s that bad? Does it mean I’m dying?” Chaplains have a distinct role to play in times of crisis and fear. The past two years have held much of both of these aspects and the Chaplains in the…

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Mennonite Church USA Announces Worship Speakers at Special Delegate Assembly


Mennonite Church USA has announced the worship speakers, led by Dr. Samuel Sarpiya, for the Special Session of the Delegate Assembly, May 27-30, in Kansas City Missouri. The Special Session of the Delegate Assembly will kick off on Friday evening with a worship service featuring storytellers from across the denomination. The speakers will share stories…

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Southern District Churches Resettle Refugees

Stock image: PxHere   The Southern District of Virginia Mennonite Church consists of seven congregations scattered across Augusta and Nelson Counties. While divided by more than a few mountains and miles, we are finding that what holds us together is much stronger than the things that pull us apart. As I’ve heard said before, theology…

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Group Sews “Peace By Piece” at Williamsburg Mennonite Church

The Williamsburg Mennonite Church (Williamsburg, Va.) “Peace By Piece” sewing group: Front row: Alta Blosser, Mary Jo Evans, Kay Smith and Lavonne Lehman. Back row: Millie Webb, Lorraine Mooney, Wilda Kruzinski, Kathleen Kennedy and Marion Delagrange. In the background are quilts that were auctioned at the relief sale. On the table and floor are school…

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